Want a Fabulous bedroom ? Here's 3 secrets tips to success.
Create symmetry with furniture and accessories, but mix up materials and shapes to add style. Identical night stands, lamps and mirrors plank this bed, but the mix of lacquer, glass , metal and natural accents makes this balance anything but boring. Follow this easy formula for livable color .
Start with the palette of 3 neutrals with similar undertones but different saturations. Add in a muted midrange accent such as this restful blue and call it color palette success.
Use accessories, patterns and furniture that are similar in style then throw in a surprise element or two. This tufted chair and botanical print fabric are classic traditional pieces. But mixing in modern night stands, graphic prints and wood-grain wallpaper makes a more personal look. By creating a room with symmetry, livable color and an easy style mix, you'll take comfort and a gorgeous bedroom .
Create a restful retreat with these three no fail bedroom decorating tips that will have you sleeping in style. You'll love these ideas to try in 2014! I hope you find these ideas useful and inspiring to you .... Enjoy it !!!!

Create symmetry with furniture and accessories, but mix up materials and shapes to add style. Identical night stands, lamps and mirrors plank this bed, but the mix of lacquer, glass , metal and natural accents makes this balance anything but boring. Follow this easy formula for livable color .
Start with the palette of 3 neutrals with similar undertones but different saturations. Add in a muted midrange accent such as this restful blue and call it color palette success.
Use accessories, patterns and furniture that are similar in style then throw in a surprise element or two. This tufted chair and botanical print fabric are classic traditional pieces. But mixing in modern night stands, graphic prints and wood-grain wallpaper makes a more personal look. By creating a room with symmetry, livable color and an easy style mix, you'll take comfort and a gorgeous bedroom .
Create a restful retreat with these three no fail bedroom decorating tips that will have you sleeping in style. You'll love these ideas to try in 2014! I hope you find these ideas useful and inspiring to you .... Enjoy it !!!!